Walmart the File Uploaded Has Failed. Please Try Again.

When uploading a file, an error can occur during the pre-processing stage (Upload Failure) or during the file processing stage (Upload Error). If this occurs, our system will automatically generate and display data to provide details on the error that occurred.

Upload Errors

For each upload that received an error when processing, there will exist an associated Fault File containing a list of all errors that occurred bachelor for you to download on the Uploads page.

NOTE: When an error occurs during the processing stage, only the rows that contain errors, indicated by Error count, will NOT take their changes reflected. Whatever rows that were successful, indicated by Success count, Will still be updated in your account.

Afterwards opening this file, yous volition see a list of errors with line numbers respective to the row where the error occurred in your .csv or .txt file. Below is a list of all potential errors that tin can occur during upload processing:

  • SKU: XXXX non found - This SKU does not currently exist in your Informed account. Your list may exist in your Amazon and Walmart account already only has not yet been sent to Informed in their inventory report.

  • STRATEGY_ID not found - The value in the STRATEGY_ID column doesn't correspond to any strategy that is exists in your Informed account.

  • MARKETPLACE_ID not plant - The value in the MARKETPLACE_ID cavalcade doesn't correspond to any marketplace that is exists in your Informed account.

  • SKU: XXXX does not be on market place ID XXXX - The SKU doesn't exist on the market specified in the Upload file; it is possible this SKU may exist on some other marketplace on your account.

  • XXXX : MinPrice XX.XX cannot be greater than MaxPrice XX.XX - The min price entered for the respective SKU is college than the max price. Your min price must always exist less than or equal to your max price.

  • Cost Currency Thirty is not valid - The currency entered is non a valid 3 digit currency lawmaking. For a listing of valid currency codes you can view our Toll and toll currency Assistance Center article here.

  • A valid 'CURRENCY' value is required in order to include the 'Price' cavalcade - Either no currency or an invalid currency code was entered in the CURRENCY column.

  • A 'MARKETPLACE_ID' value is required in order to include the 'MIN_PRICE' column - Marketplace ID is required in order to associate the min price with the correct SKU/Market combination to avoid a min toll beingness applied the wrong SKU.

  • A 'MARKETPLACE_ID' value is required in social club to include the 'MAX_PRICE' column - Marketplace ID is required in order to acquaintance the max price with the correct SKU/Market combination to avert a max price being applied the wrong SKU.

  • Listing cannot be marked MANAGED. SKU XXXX was not found - The corresponding SKU was not found in your Informed business relationship and cannot be ready to Managed.

  • A 'MARKETPLACE_ID' value is required in order to include the 'MANAGED' cavalcade - Marketplace ID is required in gild to associate the SKU with the correct market place in order to avoid setting a SKU to managed from the incorrect market.

  • Listing cannot be marked MANAGED. List limit exceeded - After the account's list limit has been met, no more listings can exist prepare to managed.

  • Target Velocity cannot be attack a listing. SKU XXXX was not institute - The corresponding SKU was not found in your Informed account and so the target velocity cannot be set.

  • A 'MARKETPLACE_ID' value is required in gild to include the 'TARGET_VELOCITY' column - Market place ID is required in gild to acquaintance the SKU with the correct market place in order to avoid setting a target velocity for the incorrect SKU.

Upload Failures

An upload also has the ability to fail in the pre-processing stage; when this occurs, the Uploads folio will testify "Failed" under the specified upload as shown below:

Annotation: When an fault occurs during the pre-processing stage the entire file will receive a failure and no changes independent in the file will be made in your Informed account.

Beneath is a listing of all potential failures that can occur during upload pre-processing:

  • Invalid file type. Valid file types are .csv and .txt - The file uploaded had an invalid file type; our organization is only accepts .csv (comma separated values) and .txt files.

  • This file does not appear to be a valid comma separated file or only contains a single column - All upload files must comprise required columns in order for changes to be made. This can also occur if the file either had a single cavalcade or the columns were not separated by commas.

  • This file does not appear to be a valid tab-delimited text file or simply contains a single column - All upload files must contain required columns in guild for changes to be fabricated. This tin can also occur if the file either had a single cavalcade or the columns were not delimited by tabs.

  • Invalid header row - The contents in the first row of the file practise not include any valid column headers accustomed by Informed. For boosted information on column headers you tin can encounter our Upload Templates article here.

  • SKU is a required column - All upload files must contain a SKU column in order to associate a change with the correct list.

  • This file does not appear to be a valid comma separated file, if the file is a tab-delimited text file the file extension must exist '.txt' - The file was uploaded as a .csv but is not a comma separated (.csv) file.

  • This file does not appear to be a valid tab-delimited text file, if the file is a comma separated file the file extension must be '.csv' -The file was uploaded as a .txt only is non a tab delimited (.txt) file.

  • Invalid URL - The attempted upload file has a URL that is invalid or has changed.

  • Timeout - There was a timeout when attempting to upload the file to our processor. If this happens you lot should please attempt once again. If this problem persists, please accomplish out to the Support team.

  • Empty Import File - The upload file contained no content; empty files volition not be uploaded.

  • Invalid Content - The content of the file independent invalid characters or data that could not be read by our system.

  • File could not exist candy, delight try over again - In that location was an unknown/generic failure when attempting to upload a file. If this happens you should please try again. If this trouble persists, please reach out to the Support squad.


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